Wednesday, June 20, 2012

June 20, 2012

This summer's heat is certainly trying to dampen the bike riding!  It's a new experience to be out in the heat that hits so early.  I'm not big on being out when it's too hot, but it is easier to do than with the extreme cold. But to top it off, my second water bottle has started to leak and now wrapped in duct tape!
   Yesterday, I actually made it out and got in 25.5 miles.  I'm a bit disappointed that the winter weight isn't melting off like last summer.  My wife insists that I look fine and that it's from muscle-building, but it'd be nice if the scale were being as supportive!  In the meantime, I do feel better with getting back out again.  I've been trying to get out four of the five work days then at least one of the weekend days, though I do need that to be both days.  I did give myself today as a rest day to sleep in a little bit rather than jump on the bike.  
   Another fun offshoot of all the biking is the tan line.  I had it a bit last year on my legs and arms (with the farmer arm, I also have raccoon hands), but it's getting much worse this summer!  Of course, I've never had an athletic tan of any sort before (though plenty of farmer arm), so it's kind of like a badge of honor that I now have a rather odd looking tan that'll just keep getting worse!  Of course, I'm not alone--now that my wife is getting out on the bike, too, she's getting her own cyclist tan, so I guess she won't be mocking me much longer!
   On a technical note, I am struggling with my front derailleur.  I took it to Dick's because it was rubbing, and he adjusted it so now the chain goes onto the chain guard all the time.  I've tried to figure it out and dink with it a little bit, but I haven't had any luck.  I'd rather not have to take it back again, but I'm getting frustrated that every time I shift too hard, it slips off.  Thank goodness for the chain guard!  Now to just find a YouTube tutorial that actually makes sense....

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