Saturday, July 21, 2012

July 21, 2012

It's amazing to look back on the year.  On July 9, it was officially 365 days since my very first ride on the bike.  So, on the ninth this year, I decided--after 25 miles--to recreate my first ride, so from in front of the house, I headed out onto the greenway in the neighborhood and looped back.  I remember how last year, it left me sweaty, hot, and tired.  It was triumph, but I didn't have a bike computer at that point to know how far I went.  So this year, as I returned home, I don't know how surprised I was to discover that it was only 1.2 miles!

To follow up, last week, I went 100 miles over the course of the week for the first time ever.  My bike computer decided to reset when I dropped it, so I know it was around 32.5 miles, but I wasn't 100%, so I decided that on Sunday to go several miles beyond what I needed to make sure there was no doubt that I'd done it.  But that accumulation left my legs tired and sore, so I didn't make it out on Monday or Tuesday, but those two days left me refreshed and ready to start again!  Of course, life wasn't cooperating as much.

Until today, the longest ride I'd gotten in was about 25 miles, and that was only once.  But today, for another new personal record, I made it to 37 miles!  I was more hot than anything else as I reached the end of the greenway, but I decided to take my 28 miles and double back until I reached at least 30 before heading home.

My highlights for this last week are seeing a turtle sitting on a log, a doe run across the path, many garter snakes slithering on the path, and a scary dude in kilt that looked like he was right out of Brave Heart.  I also had a flat back tire while out on the path and instead of getting all greasy just had my dad (who was watching the kids) come and get me.

I can't believe my biking season is coming to another close with the return to school.  I've got to make sure to get out as often as is reasonable....

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