Sunday, March 4, 2012

March 4, 2012 has been windy.  I still don't know if it's always this windy or if I'm just paying more attention.  Yesterday was too gusty with a backache to try to go out.  Today, though, was only a bit breezy as I set out with over 60F!  And, yes, it is still the first part of March!  I set out in just bib shorts and short sleeve jersey.  I almost wore a long sleeve but changed my mind.  I did take my arm and knee warmers tucked into my back pockets, but then I was off by about 2pm.

It was great to be back out on the bike again.  I got very sore at about four miles, but I just kept going.  I've also had a pretty badly tweaked back, but I'm hoping that this will help stretch it out and strengthen it.  I have to admit that I had far less back pain this summer when I was out all the time.

The temperature was perfect, but the gusts did get to me a bit when I was shifted to a lower gear and fighting against it, able only to reach about six mph.  Funny when there was a time when my goal was to just maintain about ten mph!  Once I got out of the open space a bit, the wind wasn't quite so bad, and I was able to make a 21.57-mile circuit.  I never needed the warmers, it was so balmy out!  I did notice that there's a bit of a noise now when I pedal, so I'm guessing I need to take a look at the chain and gears for needing greased....ah, the next thing to learn!  Always something new!

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