Well into year two of riding, this winter hasn't been a very conducive one to getting out on the bike. It's not been so much the snow, which we've had very little of, as the cold and the wind. I also am finding that if I don't get out for some time, it starts to feel like an upward battle to get momentum going again to get out. Of course, once I do, I have a great time and feel refreshed. When I don't get out, I get mad at myself and feel lazy...I have gear for going out in the cold, but I really do hate the wind. And, of course, every weekend that's a bit cold but otherwise okay that I don't go out, the next is one that's too windy or, in this weekend's case, I'm recovering from being sick.

The trainer is definitely helping with keeping in shape, but it's a different kind of experience. I've been bringing it into the house and watching television. What I've found is that it's a lot harder to get going as it's a fluid trainer, so the back wheel has to get the roller going. It also makes you heat up without making your own breeze like out on the road, so I have to keep a fan on me. I've ended up using the shorts I first got and aren't my favorites while I work out, and I use the back pockets of my old jersey for the remote and the telephone. Because of the "whirring" of the trainer, I'm actually using headphones to hear the television better! It's a great way to catch up on some of my shows on Blu-Ray! Of course, it's a mess of cords, but it's also nice when I'm not feeling 100% to be able to stop whenever I want without having to face getting all the way back home from somewhere on the trails. Of course, I can't wait until I can get out on the path more regularly....